Your source for NF providers.

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The NF Team is proud to be a member of the NF Collective. The member organizations have compiled a database of NF providers for those seeking competent medical care. To search the database, please visit

About the NF Collective

The NF Collective, a group of organizations dedicated to improving the lives of neurofibromatosis (NF) patients and their families, manage a shared website – Visitors to the site will find up-to-date listings of NF experts and their contact information, the types of patients they see, and more.

The NF Collective was formed by a number of organizations focused on addressing various needs within the NF community. Recognizing a critical need for NF patients and families to find reliable NF care, the member organizations of the collective joined forces to provide a reliable, updated resource of NF providers.

NF is a term used to represent a distinct set of separate genetic disorders known as NF1, NF2, and schwannomatosis. NF1 affects 1 in 3,000 people; NF2 affects 1 in 25,000; and schwannomatosis affects 1 in 40,000. NF affects all populations equally, across genders, ethnicities and races. The announcement about this new patient resource took place during the month of May 2019, which is recognized by all NF organizations as NF Awareness Month, a time for raising awareness and education about neurofibromatosis.

The current NF Collective consists of the following organizations: Littlest Tumor Foundation, Neurofibromatosis Northeast, NF Midwest, the NF Team, Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation, the Children’s Tumor Foundation, and the Seventeen22 Foundation.